Mission Statement
The ministry of Living Waters is to proclaim the final warning message of Revelation 14 as identified within the prophecies of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. The end-time fulfillment of Bible prophecy is no longer future — for it is taking place before our eyes. The historic, prophetic understanding of Seventh-day Adventism is now present truth.
We are the final generation. Our emphasis on the prophetic word includes all the counsel of God’s Word. To know what lies ahead is useless if we do not possess the experience to stand during these solemn times. Through obedience to God’s law, and faith in the promises of God’s Word, we are to receive that experience.
Coupled with the prophetic message, Living Waters Ministry emphasizes all aspects of the medical missionary work. The “entering wedge” — medical missionary work — must be practiced by those who are to finish God’s work in these final hours.
During this time period, country living becomes more essential with each passing moment. Living Waters Ministry upholds and promotes this end-time truth. God’s people must prepare for the coming storm, and that preparation includes the experience of learning how to survive in a simple fashion, away from the great centers of population.