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Why I Am A Seventh Day Adventist

I am a Seventh-Day Adventist because it’s the only religion found in the scriptures to be kept. The Bible only speaks of one faith and it’s the faith of a Seventh-Day Adventist. After the fall of man, Jesus gave Adam and Eve a faith of looking for a savior to come. While waiting and watching for the savior, they were to keep the Seventh Day Sabbath holy. Jesus connected with the keeping of the Seventh Day sabbath, the religion of a Savior to come. So from that point forward every believer must keep the Seventh-Day Sabbath. The believers of old kept the Sabbath while they waited and watched for Christ FIRST advent, hence the phrase Seventh-Day adventist. 

Enoch was a Seventh-Day adventist, he waited and watched for Christ FIRST Advent. Abraham  was a Seventh-Day adventist, he waited and watched for Christ FIRST Advent. Moses was a Seventh-Day adventist, he waited and watched for Christ FIRST Advent. Job, David, Daniel, Isaiah, Jeremiah were all Seventh-Day adventist, they waited and watched for Christ FIRST Advent.

When Christ finally came and fulfilled the first phase of His work, He told the church to watch for his SECOND Advent. Peter, James, Paul, Luke, Mary and the early church were all Seventh-Day Adventist, that is, they kept the Seventh-Day Sabbath while they waited and watched for Christ to come. Christ Himself left us this Example, it was His custom to keep the Sabbath according to Luke chapter 4.

What changed? And when did this change take place? Why are people ignoring the Seventh-Day Sabbath for the first day of the week being Sunday? Because the early church in the fourth century, the bishops of the Roman church with Constantine, thought to change the day of worship. As a result from that time till now the majority worship on Sunday, the first day, instead of Saturday, the Seventh-Day. Making  themselves first Day Adventist.

But thank God in 1798 Jesus brought about a reformation with William Miller, the father of Adventism, and on October 22, 1844, The Seventh-Day Sabbath was once again restored. The church once again began to keep the Seventh-Day Sabbath, while waiting and watching for Jesus Second Advent. 

The Sabbath was made for man before his fall, it was man’s original day of worship before he needed a savior. The religion of a savior was added to men’s original day of worship being the Sabbath. The Sabbath was always the day that man was to gather and worship God in perfection. However because of his fall, this would not have been possible, so God gave man the promise of a savior to come, and his faith in this promise, made his keeping of the Seventh-Day Sabbath accepted to God. The ADVENT of Christ both His FIRST AND SECOND ADVENT was connected to the keeping of the SABBATH. The plan of salvation was not to take away the Sabbath, but was simply to make men holy again that he might be able to keep this Sabbath holy the way God gave it. 

This is why I’m a Seventh-Day Adventist, the gospel will have no power unless it’s connected with the Sabbath, and the Sabbath will have no power unless it’s connected with the gospel, which are the TWO ADVENTS OF Christ. 

The Sabbath was made for us, while the gospel was given to save us, that we might keep again what was made for us, which is the Sabbath.

Will you become a Seventh-Day Adventist with us today, by waiting and watching for Christ SECOND ADVENT, while keeping The Seventh-Day Sabbath? This is the only faith the Scriptures speaks of, the Sabbath and the Gospel.

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Jul 09, 2024

They did not start keeping the Sabbath till around 1846 not Oct. 22 1844.


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The ministry of Living Waters is to proclaim the final warning message of Revelation 14 as identified within the prophecies of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. The end-time fulfillment of Bible prophecy is no longer future — for it is taking place before our eyes. The historic, prophetic understanding of Seventh-day Adventism is now present truth.

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